

  1. Garcia-Carballeira, F., Calderon, A. & Carretero, J. Enhancing the power of two choices load balancing algorithm using round robin policy. Cluster Comput 24, 611–624 (2021). LINK
  2. Alberto Cascajo, David E. Singh and Jesús Carretero. LIMITLESS – LIght-weight MonItoring Tool for LargE Scale Systems. Microprocessors and Microsystems (MICPRO). Volume 93, 2022, 104586, ISSN 0141-9331. DOI. eArchive.
  3. Miguel Guzmán-Merino, Christian Durán, Maria-Cristina Marinescu, Concepción Delgado-Sanz, DianaGomez-Barroso, JesusCarretero, David E.Singh. Assessing population-sampling strategies for reducing the COVID-19 incidence. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2021, vol. 139, p. 104938. DOI. Full Text.
  4. Evaluation of Vaccination Strategies for the metropolitan area of Madrid} & David E. Singh, Carmen Olmedo Lucerón, Aurora Limia Sánchez, Miguel Guzman-Merino, Christian Duran, Concepción Delgado-Sanz, Diana Gomez-Barroso, Jesus Carretero, Maria-Cristina Marinescu. OVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 preprints from medRxiv and bioRxiv & Under review. Preprint LINK.
  5. N. Tonci, M. Torquati, G. Mencagli, M. Danelutto. Distributed-memory FastFlow Building Blocks. International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP) 51, 1–21 (2023). .
  6. Di Luccio D., C. G. De Vita, G. Mellone, E. Zambianchi, and R. Montella. Modeling passive tracers in the marine environment with high performance heterogeneous and hierarchical computing. International Journal of Coastal and Offshore Engineering.
  7. Cascajo, et al.,”Monitoring InfiniBand Networks to React Efficiently to Congestion” in IEEE Micro, vol. 43, no. 02, pp. 120-130, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/MM.2023.3241840
  8. European Initiative Projects Towards Exascale Computing         Jesus Carretero, Tiago Dias, Ricardo Nobre, Mario Kovacs, Anotnio Peña, Didem Unat            European Initiative Projects Towards Exascale Computing                     Europar 21         
  9. Profile data of the ADMIRE project use case applications           Jean Baptiste Bernard; Jesus Carretero; Raffaelle Montela; Adalberto Pérez; Laura Bellentani; Wojciech Stefaniak; Shahbaz Memon           Profile data of the ADMIRE project use case applications           Zenodo ADMIRE EUROHPC Project Community                   10.5281/zenodo.7111282
  10. Boito, F., Pallez, G., Teylo, L., & Vidal, N. (2023). IO-SETS: Simple and efficient approaches for I/O bandwidth management. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
  11. Improving Congestion Control through Fine-Grain Monitoring of InfiniBand Networks      Alberto Cascajo; Gabriel Gomez-Lopez; Jesus Escudero-Sahuquillo; Pedro Javier Garcia; David E. Singh; Francisco Alfaro-Cortés; Francisco J. Quiles; Jesus Carretero  Improving Congestion Control through Fine-Grain Monitoring of InfiniBand Networks    HOTI 2022       29th IEEE Hot Interconnects symposium. August, 17 – 19th, 2022            10.1109/hoti55740.2022.00020
  12. Understanding the Impact of Synchronous, Asynchronous, and Hybrid In-Situ Techniques in Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications Yi Ju, Adalberto Perez, Stefano Markidis, Philipp Schlatter, Erwin Laure  Understanding the Impact of Synchronous, Asynchronous, and Hybrid In-Situ Techniques in Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications       IEEE eScience 2022                 10.5281/zenodo.7152158  
  13. Du, Y., Marchal, L., Pallez, G., & Robert, Y. (2024). Improving batch schedulers with node stealing for failed jobs. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience36(12), e8043.
  14. Analyzing FOSS license usage in publicly available software at scale via the SWH-analytics framework Alessia Antelmi, Massimo Torquati, Giacomo Corridori, et al., The Journal of Supercomputing, 2024,
  15. Malleability in modern HPC systems: Current experiences, challenges, and future opportunities Ahmad Tarraf, Martin Schreiber, Alberto Cascajo, Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Marc-André Vef et al., IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. DOI.
  16. Carretero, J., Suarez, E., & Schulz, M. (2024). Malleability techniques applications in high-performance computing. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 38(2), 53-54.
  17. Cublier Martínez, A., Carretero, J., & Singh, D. E. (2024). Detailed parallel social modeling for the analysis of COVID-19 spread. The Journal of Supercomputing, 1-22.
  18. Mellone, G., De Vita, C. G., Sánchez-Gallegos, D. D., Sánchez-Gallegos, G., Torres-Charles, C. A., Garcia-Blas, J., … & Laccetti, G. (2023). A novel approach for large‚Äêscale environmental data partitioning on cloud and on-premises storage for compute continuum applications. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 35(25), e7893.
  19. Cascajo, A., Singh, D. E., & Carretero, J. (2024). Detecting interference between applications and improving the scheduling using malleable application clones. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 38(2), 108-133.


  1. Javier Garcia-Blas, Genaro Sanchez-Gallegos, Cosmin Petre, Alberto Riccardo Martinelli, Marco Aldinucci and Jesus Carretero. Hercules: scalable and network portable in-memory ad-hoc file system for data-centric and high-performance applications. Euro-Par 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14100. Springer, Cham.
  2. Genaro Sanchez-Gallegos, Javier Garcia-Blas, Cosmin Petre, and Jesus Carretero. Malleable and adaptive ad-hoc file system for data intensive workloads in HPC applications. HPCMALL (2023).
  3. Carretero, J., Exposito, D., Cascajo, A., Montella, R. (2023). Malleability Techniques for HPC Systems. In: Wyrzykowski, R., Dongarra, J., Deelman, E., Karczewski, K. (eds) Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics. PPAM 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13827. Springer, Cham.
  4. Marc-André Vef, Alberto Miranda, Ramon Nou, and André Brinkmann. “From Static to Malleable: Improving Flexibility and Compatibility in Burst Buffer File Systems” HPCMALL 2023, ISC Workshop.
  5. Javier Garcia-Blas. “IMMS: In-Memory Storage System for Data Intensive Applications”. HPCMALL2022. Workshop on Malleability Techniques Applications in High-Performance Computing. ISC 2022. May 29-June 02 2022. Hamburg. Germany.
  6. Alberto Cascajo, David E. Singh and Jesús Carretero. “Detecting interference between applications and improving the scheduling tasks using malleable proxies based on application models”. HPCMALL2022. Workshop on Malleability Techniques Applications in High-Performance Computing. ISC 2022. ISC 2022. May 29-June 02 2022. Hamburg. Germany. LINK.
  7. Marc-André Vef. “Supporting malleability in the GekkoFS distributed burst buffer file system”. HPC-IODC: HPC I/O in the Data Center Workshop. ISC 2022 . (In press).
  8. Yi Ju, Adalberto Perez, Stefano Markidis, Philipp Schlatter, Erwin Laure. Understanding the Impact of Synchronous, Asynchronous, and Hybrid In-Situ Techniques in Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications & IEEE eScience 2022.
  9. Taylan Özden, Tim Beringer, Arya Mazaheri, Hamid Mohammadi Fard, Felix Wolf. ElastiSim: A Batch-System Simulator for Malleable Workloads. ICPP 2022: 51st International Conference on Parallel Processing. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. August 29th to Sept 1st, 2022..
  10. Miguel Guzmán-Merino, Christian Durán, Maria-Cristina Marinescu, Concepción Delgado-Sanz, Diana Gomez-Barroso, Jesus Carretero & David E. Singh. Data Management in EpiGraph COVID-19 Epidemic Simulator. Euro-Par 2021: 27th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing. 30 August – 3 September 2021. Lisbon, Portugal. LINK. eArchive.
  11. Alberto Cascajo, David E. Singh and Jesús Carretero. Energy Consumption Studies of WRF Executions with the LIMITLESS Monitor. LATIN AMERICA HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING CONFERENCE – CARLA 2021. October 6 -8 2021. Guadalajara, México. LINK.
  12. Marcus Ritter, Ahmad Tarraf, Alexander Geiß, Nour Daoud, Bernd Mohr, Felix Wolf: Conquering Noise With Hardware Counters on HPC Systems. In Proc. of the Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools (ProTools), held in conjunction with the Supercomputing Conference (SC22), pages 1–10, IEEE, 2022. LINK  DOI:
  13. Frederic Schimmelpfennig, Marc-André Vef, Reza Salkhordeh, Alberto Miranda, Ramon Nou, and André Brinkmann. 2021. “Streamlining distributed Deep Learning I/O with ad hoc file systems”. In 23rd IEEE Cluster Conference (CLUSTER). 2021. LINK
  14. Aldinucci, M., Agosta, G., Andreini, A., Ardagna, C. A., Bartolini, A., Cilardo, A., … & Torquati, M. (2021, May). “The Italian research on HPC key technologies across EuroHPC”. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (pp. 178-184). LINK
  15. Yi Ju, Mingshuai Li, Adalberto Perez, Laura Bellentani, Niclas Jansson, Stefano Markidis, Philipp Schlatter, Erwin Laure  In-Situ Techniques on GPU-Accelerated Data-Intensive Applications                    2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science) 2023 Oct 9 (pp. 1-10)                 10.1109/E-SCIENCE58273.2023.10254865       
  16. Seyed Ali Mohammadi, Lukas Rothenberger, Gustavo de Morais, Bertin Nico Görlich, Erik Lille, Hendrik Rüthers, and Felix Wolf (Presented at SC23 by Lukas Rothenberger)  Filtering and Ranking of Code Regions for Parallelization via Hotspot Detection and OpenMP Overhead Analysis  In Proceedings of the SC ’23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis (SC-W ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1368–1379
  17. Ritter, Marcus; Wolf, Felix    Extra-Deep: Automated Empirical Performance Modeling for Distributed Deep Learning   In Proc. of the Workshop on Programming and Performance Visualization Tools (ProTools), held in conjunction with the Supercomputing Conference (SC23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1343–1356                  
  18. De Luca, Pasquale, Diana Di Luccio, Ardelio Galletti, Giulio Giunta, Livia Marcellino, and Raffaele Montella  Towards a GPU parallel software for environmental data fitting  Proceedings    15th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA ’22) pp. 469-472. June 2022.  doi:10.1145/3529190.3534776
  19. C. G. de Vita, G. Mellone, F. Barchiesi, D. Di Luccio, A. Ciaramella and R. Montella  Artificial Intelligence for mussels farm quality assessment and prediction  Proceedings    2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea), Milazzo, Italy, October 2022, pp. 33-38   doi: 10.1109/MetroSea55331.2022.9950875
  20. G. Mellone, C. G. de Vita, E. Zambianchi, D. E. Singh, D. Di Luccio and R. Montella Democratizing the computational environmental marine data science: using the High-Performance Cloud-Native Computing for inert transport and diffusion Lagrangian modelling  Proceedings       2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea), Milazzo, Italy, October 2022, pp. 267-272.   doi:10.1109/MetroSea55331.2022.9950862
  21. C. G. De Vita, G. Mellone, D. Di Luccio, S. Kosta, A. Ciaramella and R. Montella  AIQUAM: Artificial Intelligence-based water QUAlity Model, Proceedings  2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), Salt Lake City, UT, USA, October 2022, pp. 401-402   doi:10.1109/eScience55777.2022.00058
  22. R. Montella, D. Di Luccio, C.G. De Vita, G. Mellone, M. Lapegna, G. Ortega, L. Marcellino, E. Zambianchi, and G. Giunta          A highly scalable high-performance Lagrangian transport and diffusion model for marine pollutants assessment  Proceedings  31st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2023), Naples, Italy,March  2023, pp. 17-26       doi:10.1109/PDP59025.2023.00012
  23. C. G. De Vita, G. Mellone, A. Florio, C. A. Torres Charles, D. Di Luccio, M. Lapegna, G. Benassai, G. Budillon, and R. Montella Parallel and hierarchically-distributed Shoreline Alert Model (SAM)        Proceedings    31st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2023), Naples, Italy,March  2023, pp. 109-113   doi: 10.1109/PDP59025.2023.00024
  24. Y. Arfat, G. Mittone, I. Colonnelli, F. D’Ascenzo, R. Esposito and M. Aldinucci   Pooling critical datasets with Federated Learning  Proceedings  31st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2023), Naples, Italy,March  2023, pp. 329-337   doi:10.1109/PDP59025.2023.00057 (preprint)
  25. J. Carretero, J. Garcia-Blas, M. Aldinucci, J. B. B. Besnard, J. Acquaviva, A. Brinkmann, M. Vef, E. Jeannot, A. Miranda, R. Nou, M. Riedel, M. Torquati, and F. Wolf           Adaptive multi-tier intelligent data manager for Exascale  Proceedings       20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF ’23), Bologna, Italy, May 2023, Pages 285–290                         doi:10.1145/3587135.3592174       
  26. P. Ângelo, V. Bono, M. D. -Giancaglini, and M. Florido        Gradual Guarantee for FJ with lambda-Expressions          Proceedings       25th ACM International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs, FTfJP 2023, Seattle, WA, USA, 18 July 2023, 2023, p. 32–38.                 doi:10.1145/3605156.3606453               
  27. M. Aldinucci, A. Antelmi, D. Gregori, F. Polzella, G. Spinatelli, M.Torquati   The SWH-Analytics Framework                 Proceedings       The 2nd Italian Conference on Big Data and Data, September 11-13 2023University of Naples “Parthenope” Naples, Italy.                               
  28. A. R. Martinelli, M. Torquati, M. Aldinuccci, I. Colonnelli, B. Cantalupo        CAPIO: a Middleware for Transparent I/O Streaming in Data-Intensive Workflows Proceedings       30th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics, December 18-21, 2023
    Goa, India.          
  29. Yingjin Qian, Wen Cheng, Lingfang Zeng, Xi Li, Marc-André Vef, Andreas Dilger, Siyao Lai, Shuichi Ihara, Yong Fan, and André Brinkmann      Xfast: Extreme File Attribute Stat Acceleration for Lustre              Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC), Denver, CO, USA, November 12-17                Once a year                  
  30. Nafiseh Moti, Reza Salkhordeh, André Brinkmann              Protected Functions: User Space Privileged Function Calls  ARCS 2022: International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems                                   10.1007/978-3-031-21867-5_8       
  31. Yingjin Qian, Wen Cheng, Lingfang Zeng, Marc-André Vef, Oleg Drokin, Andreas Dilger, Shuichi Ihara, Wusheng Zhang, Yang Wang, André Brinkmann MetaWBC: POSIX-Compliant Metadata Write-Back Caching for Distributed File Systems                          The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis 2022 (SC22)                                                           10.1109/SC41404.2022.00061       
  32. Angelina Horn, Hamid Mohammadi Fard, Felix Wolf           Multi-objective Hybrid Autoscaling of Microservices in {Kubernetes} Clusters            Proc. of the 28th Euro-Par Conference: Parallel Processing, Glasgow, UK              13440                                                      10.1007/978-3-031-12597-3_15                                                                     
  33. Boito, Francieli; Pallez, Guillaume; Teylo, Luan                  The role of storage target allocation in applications’ I/O performance with BeeGFS                 CLUSTER 2022 – IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing.                         10.1109/cluster51413.2022.00039          
  34. Surbhi Sharma, Ribana Roscher, Morris Riedel, Shahbaz Memon and Gabriele Cavallaro                                          Improving Generalization for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Classification with Meta-Learning                    IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (GRSS)                 Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (GRSS)                 10.1109/igarss46834.2022.9884699       
  35. Marc-André Vef, Alberto Miranda, Ramon Nou, André Brinkmann          From Static to Malleable: Improving Flexibility and Compatibility in Burst Buffer File Systems           HPCMALL 2023               
  36. Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Ahmad Tarraf, Clément Barthélemy, Alberto Cascajo, Emmanuel Jeannot, Sameer Shende, and Felix Wolf. Towards smarter schedulers: Molding jobs into the right shape via monitoring and modeling HPCMALL 2023, 2nd International Workshop on Malleability Techniques Ap plications in High-Performance Computing, Held in Conjunction with the ISC High Performance Conference (ISC), Hamburg, Germany, May 2023
  37. Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Ahmad Tarraf, Alberto Cascajo, and Sameer Shende Introducing the metric proxy for holistic I/O measurements In The 10th HPC I/O in the Data Center Workshop (HPC-IODC’24), Held in Conjunction with the ISC High Performance Conference, pages 1–15, Hamburg, Germany, May 2024. To Appear.
  38. Ahmad Tarraf, Alexis Bandet, Francieli Boito, Guillaume Pallez, and Felix Wolf. Capturing periodic I/O using frequency techniques In 2024 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 27-31 May 2024, pages 1–14, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2024-05-27/2024-05-30.
  39. Javier Fernández Muñnoz Alberto CascajoAlberto CascajoJesús Carretero Pérez Dynamic management of processes and communicators in malleable MPI applications 2023 IEEE 29th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Ocean Flower Island, China, 2023, pp. 848-855.
  40. Marco Aldinucci The modernization of HPC applications for the cloud era. Fifth EAGE Workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream. Heterogeneous HPC: Challenges, Current & Future Trends, Fifth EAGE Workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream. Heterogeneous HPC: Challenges, Current & Future Trends
  41. R. Montella, D. Di Luccio; C. G. De Vita; G. Mellone; M. Lapegna et al., Enabling the CUDA Unified Memory model in Edge, Cloud and HPC offloaded GPU kernels 2nd Cloud2Things Workshop, at 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid), 2022,
  42. Francieli Boito, Antônio Gomes, Louis Peyrondet and Luan Teylo, I/O performance of multiscale finite element simulations on HPC environments, 13th Workshop on Applications for Multi-Core Architectures (WAMCA 2022),
  43. Alexis Bandet, Francieli Boito, Guillaume Pallez, Scheduling distributed I/O resources in HPC systems, 30th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing,
  44. Nafiseh Moti, André Brinkmann, Marc-André Vef, Philippe Deniel, Jesus Carretero, Philip Carns, Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, and Reza Salkhordeh. The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC Proceedings of the SC ’23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis (PDSW 2023)
  45. Yingjin Qian, Marc-André Vef, Patrick Farrell, Andreas Dilger, Xi Li, Shuichi Ihara, Yinjin Fu, Wei Xue, and André Brinkmann Combining Buffered I/O and Direct I/O in Distributed File Systems 22nd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 2024)
  46. Alberto Cascajo, David E. Singh and Jesús Carretero. Utilización de proxies maleables para detectar interferencia y mejorar la planificación de aplicaciones. Jornadas SARTECO 2022. Septiembre 22-25, Alicante, Spain.
  47. Diego Camarmas-Alonso; Felix Garcia-Carballeira; Alejandro Calderon Mateos; Jesus Carretero Perez. Sistema de almacenamiento Ad-Hoc para entornos HPC basado en el sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand. Jornadas SARTECO 2022. Septiembre 22-25, Alicante, Spain.
  48. Dario Muñoz-Muñoz, Félix García-Carballeira, Diego Camarmas-Alonso, Alejandro Calderón-Mateos and Jesús Carretero. Tolerancia a fallos en el sistema de ficheros paralelo Expand Ad-hoc. Jornadas Sarteco, 17-19 de junio de 2024, A Coruña (
  49. Dario Muñoz-Muñoz, Félix García-Carballeira, Diego Camarmas-Alonso, Alejandro Calderón-Mateos and Jesús Carretero. Fault tolerant in the Expand Ad-Hoc parallel file system. 30th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing. Madrid. 26-30 August 2024 (
  50. Dario Muñoz-Muñoz, Félix García-Carballeira, Diego Camarmas-Alonso, Alejandro Calderón-Mateos and Jesús Carretero. Malleability in the Expand Ad-Hoc parallel file system. 3rd EuroHPC Workshop on Dynamic Resources in HPC. EuroPar2024. Madrid. 26-30 August 2024 (