
  1. Weather Forecasts & Artificial Intelligence”. Raffaele Montella (CINI). Italy Pavilion Expo 2020 Dubai, December 6, 2021. LINK
  2. André Brinkmann “Parallele Dateisysteme im europäischen Kontext”, at Lustre workshop (organized at EOFS). DKRZ Hamburg, Germany. 06 October 2022.
  3. André Brinkmann “Lustre client side caching — How to integrate node-local storage to improve parallel file system performance”, at Lustre workshop (organized at EOFS). DKRZ Hamburg, Germany. 06 October 2022
  4. Nafiseh Moti, Marc-André Vef, André Brinkmann, “ADMIRE — IO-SEA collaboration: HPC application I/O analysis”, at EuroHPC workshop (UC3M Madrid). 19 September 2022.
  5. Marc-André Vef, Alberto Miranda “I/O scheduling and ad hoc storage systems in ADMIRE and IO-SEA ”, at EuroHPC workshop. UC3M Madridm, Spain. 19 September 2022.
  6. LAD 22, Lustre Administrators & Developers Workshop. “Concurrent write support for Lustre persistent client caching”, presented by Marc-André Vef. Paris, France. 27-09-2022
  7. ISC 2022 workshop HPCMALL 2022. “IMMS: In-Memory Storage System for Data-Intensive Applications” presented by Javier García-Blas.
  8. ISC 2022 workshop HPCMALL 2022. “Detecting interference between applications and improving the scheduling task using malleable proxies based on application models” presented by Jesús Carretero. Hamburg, Germany. 02-06-2022
  9. CCGRID 2022 workshop Cloud2Things. “Enabling the CUDA Unified Memory model in Edge, Cloud and HPC offloaded GPU kernels” presented by Raffaele Montella.
  10. ISC 2022 Exhibition on May 30th 2022. ADMIRE presented by Jesús Carretero in the E4 booth. LINK
  11. 1st. EuroHPC Workshop on Malleability in HPC. FLEXMPI Programming model for malleability. ADMIRE FLEXMPI tool presented by David Expósito from UC3M. Technical University of Munich. September 5th-6th, 2022.
  12. “Malleability Techniques for HPC Systems” by Jesús Carretero. Invited talk at Sixth Workshop on Models, Algorithms, and Methodologies for Hybrid Parallelism in new HPC Systems (MAMHYP-22), held alongside the 14th international conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (Gdansk, Poland, September 11-14, 2022). LINK.
  13. SC 2022 Exhibition on November 2022. ADMIRE presented and cooperation with IO-SEA in the DDN booth. LINK
  14. G.Budillon, A.Ciaramella, Prof. R.Montella, M. Di Capua. “Weather Forecasts & Artificial Intelligence: From the experts to your mobile app via High-Performance Computing”. Fist Campania Region week at the Italian Pavillon at the Dubai Expo 2020. December 2021. Video. Presentation Slides.
  15. “The modernization of HPC applications for the cloud era”, Marco Aldinucci, Keynote at Fifth EAGE Workshop on High Performance Computing for Upstream. Heterogeneous HPC: Challenges, Current & Future Trends. 6-8 September 2021. Conference Site Presentation Slides
  16. “The role of storage target allocation in applications’ I/O performance with BeeGFS”,     Francieli Boito 12/02/22        CHPC National Conference (South Africa)
  17. “IO-SETS: Simple and efficient approaches for I/O” Francieli Boito 06/13/22        Per3S workshop, Paris, France  
  18. “Futuro Remoto” (Città della Scienza) 2022, November 2022, Napoli, Italy, (EnvApp presented by Raffaele Montella and the UNIPARTHENOPE team).
  19. “On Temporal I/O Behavior Characterization: Predicting I/O Phases Using Frequency Techniques”, Alexis Bandet  03/23/23        JLESC workshop, Bordeaux, France
  20. “IO-Sets: Simple and efficient approaches for I/O bandwidth management”,  Luan Teylo       09/30/22        JLESC workshop, Urbana-Champaign, USA
  21. “From small files to no files”, M. Aldinucci, Invited Talk,  13/6/2022      6th Workshop on Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems Paris, France.    Presentation Slides
  22. “Eurohpc and the Italian HPC ecosystem”, M. Aldinucci, 16/6/2022, Critical Infrastructure Protection Forum – EuroCC Romania Bucharest, Romania.  Presentation Slides
  23. “The Italian HPC ecosystem and the next generation of EuroHPC CoE”, Invited Talk. M. Aldinucci   21/6/2022,      EuroHPC EoCoE final summit Napoli, Italy.  Presentation Slides
  24. “CINI HPC-KTT: HPC Key Technologies and Tools National Lab”,  I. Colonnelli and M. Aldinucci, 22/09/2022, NVIDIA HPC Roundtable Casalecchio di Reno, Italy, Invited talk  Presentation Slides
  25. “Environmental data tiling: store in Cloud, process at the Edge”, G Mellone, Ciro Giuseppe De Vita, Diana Di Luccio, Sokol Kosta and Raffaele Montella, 13/9/2022,  MAMHYP-22 – Gdansk, Poland, September 11-14, 2022 – jointly with the 14th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics PPAM 2022
  26. “CAPIO: Cross-Application Programmable I/O”,  M. Torquati     14/9/2022      LN HPC-KTT General Assembly, in Turin, Italy            CINI HPC-KTT Lab
  27. From HPC4AI to ICSC living lab: where systems are the research    M. Aldinucci    sept-22            Dell Advanced Computing Workshop 2023: HPC and Beyond Bologna, Italy.        Presentation Slides
  28. Large-scale Analysis of License Usage in Open-source Software via the SWH Analytics Framework A. Antelmi       11/9/2023      BigHPC2023: Special Track on Big Data and High-Performance Computing at ITADATA (The 2nd Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science), University of Naples “Parthenope”, Naples, Italy   Extended abstract available online at
  29. ADMIRE Project Presentation           M. Torquati     23/10/2023    LN HPC-KTT General Assembly, in Pisa, Italy, CINI HPC-KTT Lab
  30. Challenges and benefits of malleable ad-hoc file systems in HPC   Marc-André Vef, Javier García Blas    28/8/2023      Minisymposium on ADAPTIVE HPC I/O SYSTEMS @ EUROPAR 2023      
  31. Detecting Periodic I/O Signature Using Frequency Techniques       Ahmad Tarraf, Alexis Bandet, Francieli Boito, Guillaume Pallez, Felix Wolf            May 31, 2023  Paris
  32. ElastiSim: A Batch-System Simulator for Malleable Workloads       Taylan Özden, Tim Beringer, Arya Mazaheri, Hamid Mohammadi Fard, Felix Wolf       17/1/2023      Toulouse, France
  33. ElastiSim: A Batch-System Simulator for Malleable Workloads       Taylan Özden, Tim Beringer, Arya Mazaheri, Hamid Mohammadi Fard, Felix Wolf       28/8/2023      Limassol, Cyprus
  34. New techniques for tracing and designing HPC storage systems. Marc-André Vef. JGU. LINK
  35. Alberto Cascajo. “The FlexMPI Malleability Framework”. Workshop: EuroHPC JU Projects Shaping Europe’s HPC Landscape. HIPEAC 2023. January 16-18. Toulouse. France.
  36. Jesus Carretero. Co-Designing the Future of European HPC: Eco-friendly Technologies, Systems and Software. EuroHPC Summit 2024. Antwerp, March 18-22, 2024.
  37. Jesus Carretero & Javier García. ADMIRE poster presentation at EuroHPC Summit 2024. EuroHPC Summit 2024. Antwerp, March 18-22, 2024.
  38. Dynamic management of processes and communicators in malleable MPI applications. 2023 IEEE 29th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS). December 2023. Hainan, China.
  39. “An Introduction to ADMIRE”, Rocco Sedona (FZJ), Keybote at the Second CoE RAISE AHM 2023, 28 AUGUST 2023.
  40. “Conquering Noise With Hardware Counters on HPC Systems”, Ahmad Tarraf, April 18 2023, NHR PerfLab Seminar, online. Presentation Slides , Video
  41. “Frequency Techniques for I/O”, Ahmad Tarraf, Jan 17, 2024, HiPEAC, Munich, Germany.
  42. “Introducing the Metric Proxy for Holistic I/O Measurements, Ahmad Tarraf, 16 May 2024, HPC-IODC (@ISC), Hamburg, Germany.
  43. Frequency Techniques for I/O, Ahmad Tarraf, June 27 2024, 17th Scheduling for large-scale systems workshop
  44. ADMIRE a look back at the Journey, Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, 16 May 2024, EuroHPC booth, ISC24, Hamburg, Germany
  45. The importance of dynamic global resource management, Emmanual Jeannot, April 16-18 2024, 16th JLESC (Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing), Kobe Japan
  46. Capturing Periodic I/O Using Frequency Techniques, Ahmad Tarraf May 29, 2024. IPDPS’24, San Francisco, USA
  47. CINI@UniPI, Massimo Torquati and Sergio Saponara (CINI-UniPI), April 21, 2022, University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy)
  48. Supporting malleability in the GekkoFS distributed burst buffer file system, Marc-André Vef (JGU), February 06, 2022, HPC-IODC: HPC I/O in the Data Center Workshop
  49. I/O nodes sharing between applications, Alexis Bandet, June 13, 2022, 6th Workshop on Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems/ Paris, France
  50. In-Situ Compression, Yi Ju, Erwin Laure , Adalberto Perez, Stefano Markidis, June 27, 2022 PASC22, Basel, Switzerland
  51. IO-Sets: a novel method for I/O management, Luan Teylo, July 05, 2022 COMPAS2022, Amiens, France
  52. I/O node sharing between applications, Alexis Bandet, July 05, 2022, COMPAS2022, Amiens, France
  53. FLEXMPI Programming model for malleability, David Expósito, July 05, 2022, 1st EuroHPC Workshop on Malleability in HPC, Munich, Germany
  54. Model Accuracy in HPC System Software Algorithmic, Guillaume Pallez, September 07, 2022, CCDSC’22
  55. Presentation of ADMIRE and Malleability techniques for HPC, Jesus Carretero , September 12,2022, Sixth Workshop on Models, Algorithms and Methodologies for Hybrid Parallelism in New HPC Systems, PPAM 2022. Gdansk, Poland
  56. Presentation of the ADMIRE project, M. Aldinucci, M. Torquati, September 20, 2022, Workshop on Active Projects of the CINI Lab on Big Data, ITADATA22, Milan, Italy
  57. Presentation of the Admire project, Emmanuel Jeannot, Inria May 30, 2021 Teratec Forum, Virtual
  58. ADMIRE presentation, UC3M and E4, May 30, 2022 ISC 2022 Exhibition. Hamburg, Germany
  59. GekkoFS : A Fast distributed file system using local storage, Ramon Nou, April 16 – 18, 2024 16th JLESC (Joint Laboratory for Extreme-Scale Computing), Kobe Japan
  60. Scheduling Distributed I/O Resources in HPC Systems, Francieli Boito, May 28, 2024 Per3S – Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems Workshop, Paris, France
  61. Panel “European Initiative Projects Towards Exascale Computing” Carretero, J. September 3rd 2021, Session Chair. Europar 21, Lisbon
  62. How dynamic workloads may change HPC for good J-B Besnard 28/08/2023 ADAPIO, Europar23, Limassol, Cyprus
  63. The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC Nafiseh Moti 17.01.2024 HiPEAC’24 “EuroHPC Projects Shaping Europe’s HPC Landscape” , Munich, Germany
  64. The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC Nafiseh Moti 18.01.2024 HiPEAC’24 “IO-SEA: Storage I/O and Data Management for Exascale Architectures” , Munich, Germany
  65. The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC André Brinkmann 16.11.2023 The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis (SC23): Analyzing Parallel I/O (Birds of the Feather)
  66. GekkoFS – Status, Challenges, and HSM Marc-André Vef 22.2.2024 European Open File System (EOFS) workshop 2024
  67. A European I/O Trace Repository to Build Better I/O Systems & HPC Applications Nafiseh Moti 23.05.2023 ISC 2023, Birds of the Feather: A European I/O Trace Repository to Build Better I/O Systems & HPC Applications