Demo videos for users
Open source tools
ADMIRE project is commited to the generation of open software tools that can be freely used by the committe. All the source code tools can be accessed through the ADMIRE GITHUB.
Related to the WPs of the ADMIRE project, we can structure tools as follows.
WP2. Ad-hoc file systems
WP3. Malleability tools
WP4. I/O scheduling
- Agios IO Scheduler
- Norns
WP5. Sensing and profiling
WP6. Intelligent controller
- FlexMPI
- Libicc: Intelligent controller communication library
- CAPIO: Cross-Application Programmable IO
- GreatNector
WP7. Applications co-design
Open data
WP7. Applications co-design
I/O traces collection Inititives.
Standardization effort
- MPI sessions.
- PMIx.
- ISO C++ Standardization Committee. Group ARCOS from UC3M participates activiely in the C++ standardadization. Jose D. Garcia is the president of subcommittee CTN71/SC22 (programming languages and software interfaces) and of subcommittee CTN71/SC22/GT21 (C++ language). He is the Spanish representative at C++ International Committee.
Users Group
We are disseminating our solutions to potential users belonging to other EuroHPC projects, Teratec Forum, or the HIPEAC association.
- ADMIRE Presentation at TERATEC Forum. May 2021. (Virtual)
- ADMIRE Booth at TERATEC Forum (collocated with Paratools). June 14 – June 15. 2022. Palaiseau.
- First EuroHPC Malleability Hackaton Website Jan 2023, Grenoble. France.
- Spack tutorial and minihackaton. 13-14 February 2023. CINECA. Bologna. Italy.
Detailed program. Full Session recording. Materials.
- ADMIRE Tutorial at PDP2023. March 1-3, 2023. Napoli, Italy. Tutorial materials. Tutorial recording. Session 1. Session2.
- ADMIRE Booth at PDP2023. March 1-3, 2023. Napoli, Italy. Booth video Carrousel
- ADMIRE Booth at TERATEC Forum. May 30 – June 1. 2023. Paris. France.
- GRSS ESI/HDCRS End-to-End Machine Learning with Supercomputing and in the Cloud. Gabriele Cavallaro, Rocco Sedona, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC); Manil Maskey, NASA; and Iksha Gurung, University of Alabama. International Geoscience asn Remote Sensing Symposium. Pasadena. California, USA. Jul. 16, 2023.
- ADMIRE Booth at TERATEC Forum. May 29 – May 30. 2024. Paris. France.
- Hackathon on Dynamic Resources in HPC. EUROPAR 2024, 27 August 2024. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. In cooperation with TIME-X and REGALE EuroHPC projects.