
  • Europar 2021. Session 21. EU Projects: European Initiative Projects Towards Exascale Computing. Jesus Carretero, Tiago Dias and Ricardo Nobre. EURO-PAR2021: 27TH INTERNATIONAL EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING. Lisbon. Portugal. 30 august – 3 September 2021. In cooperation with SPARCITY.
  • First International Workshop on Malleability Techniques Applications in High-Performance Computing, held alongside ISC High Performance 2022 (Hamburg, Germany, May 29-June 2, 2022). In cooperation with EuroHPC projects DEEP-SEA and TIME-X. LINK.
  • Sixth Workshop on Models, Algorithms, and Methodologies for Hybrid Parallelism in new HPC Systems (MAMHYP-22) held alongside the 14th international conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (Gdansk, Poland, September 11-14, 2022). In cooperation with the research agreement “High-Performance Computing at the Edge” led by Marco Lapegna (UNINA) and Raffaele Montella (UNP). LINK.
  • 1st. EuroHPC Workshop on Malleability in HPC. In cooperation with EuroHPC projects DEEP-SEA and TIME-X. Technical University of Munich. September 5th-6th, 2022. LINK.
  • First EuroHPC Workshop on to Seed and Foster Collaboration across Europe. Madrid 21-22 September 2022. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
  • SC22 BoF. Enabling I/O and Computation Malleability in HPC. Birds of a Feather SC22. In cooperation with EuroHPC projects DEEP-SEA and TIME-X. LINK.
  • Second International Workshop on Malleability Techniques Applications in High-Performance Computing (HPCMALL 2023). held alongside ISC High Performance 2023 (Hamburg, Germany, May, 2023). In cooperation with EuroHPC projects DEEP-SEA and TIME-X.
  • EUROPAR 2023 Minisymposium on Adaptive HPC I/O Systems (ADAPIO)
  • LN HPCKTT General Assembly and 3rd Italian Workshop on HPC  held on September 14, 2022 in Turin, organized by CINI.
  • Workshop on: Active Projects of the CINI Lab on Big Data organized by CINI in conjunction with ItaData 2022, September 20-21, Milan, Italy.
  • First EuroHPC Workshop on to Seed and Foster Collaboration across Europe. Madrid 21-22 September 2022. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. /
  • Participation in first Malleability Hackathon in collaboration in TIME-X, REGALE and Deep-Projects (23rd-27 th January 2023) ( lead to a common publication attempt with TIME-X not accepted yet tough.
  • The I/O Trace Initiative: Building a Collaborative I/O Archive to Advance HPC. LN-HPCKTT assemblea nazionale. 12/11/23. Pisa, Italy.
  • LN HPC-KTT General Assembly. 23-24/10/2023. Pisa, Italy.
  • BigHPC2023: Special Track on Big Data and High-Performance Computing. 23/11/23. PSNC, Poznan, Poland.
  • 3rd EuroHPC Workshop on Dynamic Resources in HPC. EUROPAR 2024, August 26th to 27th, 2024. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.